Sunday, July 3, 2011

My Eye! My Eye!

I'm a moron.  I am currently typing this with my left eye squeezed shut because I AM A MORON.

I poked myself in the eye with a fiber optic.

No, you read that correctly.  My brother (who is multiply disabled and wheelchair-bound) has a fiber optic wand that lights up and changes colors.  Picture the kinds of things you get in an amusement park at night.
Actually, no, I'm going to find a picture of this sucker, so you know what kind of evil I was dealing with (read: how stupid I was).

Here we go:

Via flashyblinkylights (I really shouldn't give these guys free advertising considering what just happened, but I'll admit these wands are pretty cool looking in person and it was my own damn fault).

So.  My brother asks me to turn the thing off.  I pick it up, hold it in front of my face and double check that he wants it off.  When he says yes, I turn my head and proceed to poke my self in the eye with one of the fiber optics.


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