Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Things Not To Say To A Person With Migraines

My mom recently found an article on called "18 Things Not To Say To A Person With Migraine". I found it to be very interesting and I thought I'd share a few of the things that really struck a chord with me.

I've had migraines that last for weeks and I've heard of people who've had migraines last even longer. This statement is just plain bullshit.

I can't remember the number of times a doctor has said this to either me or my mom (when talking about me). It disgusts me that medical professionals can be so quick to dismiss what they can't solve as "attention seeking" or depression.

UGH. No. No, I can't work through it. Just like you can't work through a broken leg, you can't work through a migraine. And if you say this to me, I will punch you.

Now, I don't mind if a close friend or family member says this. It's when near strangers, or worse, actual strangers, say it that I get kinda pissed. Because 99.9%of the time, yes, I've tried it. Believe me, I am constantly researching new migraine treatments and if you've heard of it, so have I. 

Those are the four that really stood out to me but the whole article is really good to read if there is someone in your life with migraines. Be sure to check it out!

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