Wednesday, June 17, 2015


A brief timeline of recent events:
*Now Updated!*

May 19 - received Botox injections
May 20-23 - increase in head pain due to Botox shots
May 25, 27, 28, 30 - Migraine
June 1-2 - Migraine
June 3-5 - Haldol/Cogentin bridge, temporary pain relief
June 6-7 - return of Migraine
June 8 - call nurse's line, receive call back in afternoon, migraine continues
June 9-11 - Infusion (see previous posts for information)
June 11 - book inpatient stay at Methodist for first available day (June 30)
June 12-16 - Naproxen/Compazine bridge, migraine continues
June 15 - call nurse's line
June 17 (today) - call nurse's line, receive call back in afternoon, start new Haldol/Cogentin bridge
June 18-19 - migraine continues, sleep most of the day/night
June 19 - call nurse's line, receive call back. Start new bridge of Haldol/Cogentin and Sulindac
June 20 (today) - migraine continues

Bridge - taking a medications or group of medications as prescribed by a doctor for a short period of time in an attempt to break a cycle.

Cycle - a migraine or headache that does not end and resists medical intervention

I am currently in the middle of my forth bridge in less than five weeks. This particular bridge is aimed less at breaking the cycle (though it would be wonderful if it did) and more at keeping me somewhat comfortable until I can go inpatient at Methodist. It seems that, for me at least, IV lidocaine is the only thing that can break a bad cycle.

Which means...I will be writing a blog post about what a stay in Methodist is like!  Keep your fingers crossed that there's a cancellation and I get in earlier.  In the mean time, I will continue posting because I find it relaxing (and isn't that incredibly strange?) and it distracts me temporarily from the pain. Unfortunately, I can not write long posts and I must take breaks, because my eyes are not cooperating and my ability to focus on something for an extended length of time is nonexistent. 

On the plus side, I have several posts lined up to be written and since I'm currently hiding indoors away from the heat and the sun/rain/thunderstorms in my area, I'll have plenty of time to write. And sleep. To be honest, it'll mostly be sleep.

Meanwhile, I leave you with a quote that helps me through rough times like this:

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